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Words, phrases, initials, explanations etc


Garbage 118, 436

Geezer: - dictionaries define a geezer as an old person, generally an eccentric old  man. Its origin likely in the word masquerader (colloquially, guiser) from Middle English gysar.  Go figure, as the Americans say

Generator 18th Jan, 321, 379, 450, 451, 503 and many others. See also Batteries,   Electrics, Solar Panel etc

Gerzillions / gazillions / gigaz / gigazillions: - an awful lot of something: usually stars

Ghosts: - and those that went before:  150, 215, 260, 263, 340, 383, 385, 387, 389.  See also Henry Knight

Gizmo: - some kind of gadget or other, normally infuriating as in 331, 336

Glenfiddich: - malt whisky: a well known Scots Consultant 209, 216, 218

G&T: - a gin and tonic

Goldfish: - bowl vacant; 494

Golgafrinchan Telephone Sanitiser: - one of those packed into the B-Ark who became the ancestors of humanity; 191, 194; see also HHGTTG

Goretex Mitts 86

GPS: - Global Positioning System

Great Bear / Ursa Major / The Plough / The Saucepan: - names for the same defining  constellation in northern hemisphere

Great Circle 307, 312, 498

Greenies: - these occur when waves are coming from abeam or forward (from the side  or front) and slosh a few bucketfuls of water aboard. Usually the water runs   down the sides of the boat and out through the scuppers. Your more determined      greenie (not to be confused with a conservationist) will send a sheet of water across the cabin top, over the dodger and into the cockpit; 443; see also Dodger, Scuppers

Grib File: - Graphics in Binary file: GRIB files associate a specific weather datum  (eg wind velocity or atmospheric pressure) with a geographic position. Because the resulting file is a collection of these points they are extremely small and so ideal over slow links such as sailmail; 217 and countless others

Gunwale Bum: - lesions, looking like pimples on the bum, caused by pressure, chafing, heat, damp etc; sometimes known as spotty botty, skipper’s seat or  barnacle butt: 56, 180, 209, 210, 214, 225

Gust Book: - the Guest Book on the Berri site, so named to prevent spammers finding

 it to offer, or request unusual services and medications


Hadar: - major star pointer to Southern Cross with Rigil Kent 162, 381

Handsteering: - from the sailing dinosaur’s mouth 419

Henry Knight: - main explanation 392; 385, 389, 392, 399, 411, 412, 413, 417

HF: - High Frequency; re-programming 350

HHGTTG: - The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams; essential  reading for those trying to understand these logs.  You may be none the wiser once you’ve read it, but at least you’ll have tried

Hole in the Milky Way 191, 206 (erudite explanation)

Hooning / Hooning along: - as far as I can gather, if Berri were a horse, she’d have  the bit between her teeth to be hooning

“Hombre apercebido medio combatido”: - quoted from Inspector Morse novel by Colin  Dexter 180; translates roughly as “the man who is prepared has half the    battle won ”

Horse Latitudes: - see link from Berri homepage

Hrungecomely Blurbleflunket: - happy birthday 333

Hurglaffboolagerry budnoodladingburtle: - as above 385

HWS: - Heavy Weather Sailing; 441, 442, 445; see also Clench Inducing Sequences

Hydroponic Garden Allotment 96


ISS: - International Space Station. First musings 52; 112, 114, 128, 129, 139, 145, 150, 150, 162, 165, 184, 199, 201, 202, 04 Aug, 376; a summary in 418; and          many others; see also Leroy Chiao

ITCZ: - Inter Tropical Convergence Zone, also known as The Doldrums; 329, 330,  352, 356,

International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea (Col.Regs) 203, 213

Isochrones: - joining points on a chart that were the same number of days out from,  say, London en route to Cape Horn using different tracks; 220

It’s Woolly Black: - beginning of log 400; struck a chord with many sailors



Jackson, Stephen (aka Steve): - joint Berri webmaster with Malcolm Robinson; countless mentions  but see 274 for the lowdown

John Smith Smoothies: - according to Alex this comes in green can with widget so has  lovely creamy head. First tasted in Falklands; 128

Joubert, Peter: - mechnical engineer, specialising in fluid mechanics, now retired. Highly respected sailor and designer of the Brolga and other yachts; many  mentions but see 115; Pete’s meeting with him, 122




Kelp: - types of brown algae, which hold on to the rocky sea bottom with root-like structures; 14th January; 122; 25th and 26th March,

Kevvo: - Kevin Fleming self-steering device on Berrimilla; see Fleming

Kevvo and The Metal Princess: - a mini-fairytale for Lizzy, Joe and Harvey; 461, 465

Knot (as in speed): - definition of speed at sea based on nautical mile. The nautical mile is about 1.15 larger than the "statute" mile used on land

Knot (as in tying): - rolling hitch; 422; 423; dental tape knotting (!) 428

Knockdown: -  when the boat is severely rolled or knocked over sideways, normally when beam on to big rolling breakers; logs 18th - 23rd January; 134, 135 137, 477, 485; see also Clench Inducing Sequences

Knockdown Damage: - report NZ 23rd January; repairs 24th January


Lackersteens: - marmalade that went round Cape Horn. Izzo has the empty tin! 51

Lakonia, The: - Alex’s memories of maritime tragedy in 1963; 318

Lazarette: - a small, below deck storage space at the stern of a vessel

Leroy: - ISS Commander, Expedition 10, at time Berrimilla first made contact. See  also Chiao and ISS

LHI: - Lord Howe Island. LHI is situated 700 kilometres north east of Sydney. A race to from Gosford to LHI takes place every October and Berrimilla has taken part for several years - obviously not in 2005!

Liferaft and loss thereof: - 134, 136

Lightning 333, 362

Linear Method of Consultation (LMC) as opposed to Parallel Method (PMC): - two systems for drinking alcohol 206

Lizard, The 245, 271, 275, 276, 277, last sight of 300

Lizzie, Joe and Harvey 461: - youngest Berri fans we know about.  Hi L,J,H!! You  made it to the glossary! Berri Cool.

Loisin, Pascal: - winner and skipper of the two-handed Fastnet ahead of Berri 339, 12th August

Lykiardopulo, Nick RORC 2005 award winner, along with Alex and Pete 380, 383



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