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Words, phrases, initials, explanations etc


Malcolm Robinson: -  joint (Hobart-based) Berri webmaster with Steve Jackson; countless mentions but see 274 for the lowdown

Malta: - where Alex was born. Pete and Alex flew out there. See 22, 24, 25, 28 June

Manacles, The: - from the Cornish Maen Eglos or Church Rocks, named because St Keverne’s church above provided a vital sailors’ landmark to avoid these infamous rocks at the entrance to Carrick Roads and Falmouth Harbour 278

Marvin: - the manically depressed robot with a “brain the size of a planet” from HHGTTG; see also HHGTTG

Mc Vities: - the best biscuits for dunking 99, 106, 108

Melville, Tommy 50, 115 and others: -  Isabella asked Alex who Tommy was after  seeing his name in the log. She received this (edited) answer:“Tommy was the  owner of Jacqui, the boat I first set out in for Cape Horn in 1982. Great guy, rough as they come, magnificent seaman, not into bullshit of any sort and  someone I really liked and trusted. He left the boat with me when we got back, so I had this lovely boat to play with for a few months as well. He died a few     years ago and I didn't know, sadly, until recently. He owned a shipyard and tugboat in Brisbane. ... He'd have loved this.”

Mercator Projection: - method of portraying a map which allows a straight course to  be plotted simply, but does not take into account the curvature of the Earth; 148; see also Great Circle

Mercator Spherical Projection Method: -  see Ritual Biscuit Dunking, 108

Meridian: - an imaginary great circle on the surface of the Earth, passing through  North and South geographic poles. All points on the same meridian have the  same longitude. Meridian can also be used to describe either half of such a circle from pole to pole; 443, 444, 454

Merlin Calculator: - see Mourning, deep; 324, 483, 497, 481

Meteorites 201, 346

Michaelangelo 336

Milky Way: - explanation from Malcolm 216; 380

Milky Way (hole in the) 191, 206 (note two entries)

Minipooptillionth: - a very, very, little bit, and definitely smaller than a pooptillionth

MMSI Maritime Mobile Service Identity; used for radios with digital selective calling (DSC), as well as AIS (Automatic Identification System) transponders. It  allows two vessels with radios that have this capability to exchange                              information about who they are and where they're going without need for voice    contact . There is a unique numeric identifier for each user of AIS system; see 4th August; see also AIS

Moitessier, Bernard: - single-handed circumnavigator famous for abandoning 1969 Golden Globe Challenge, for very interesting idealistic reasons, when victory was in sight;137

MOB / Man Overboard: - and Pete’s swim, 366, 368 (two entries); 379

MOB: - advice 314

Moonbow 176

Mourning (deep) for phone 322

Mourning (very deep) for Merlin calculator 481

MSL: - Mean Sea Level; the height of the sea after averaging out changes of wind, waves and tide

Mungies / Mung beans: - beans sprouted on board if it’s warm enough; 48, 96, 206, 339, 424; see also Hydroponic Garden Allotment 96




Nelson (as in Admiral Lord Horatio etc) 316, 464; see also Trafalgar

Noice / noicer: - Alexisms for quite a lot of things which taste good or are going  especially well. First used, I think, 218


Old Geezer’s Trolley: -   he, and what, brings the e mail printouts in fantasy  Berriland; 181

Omar Khayyam: -  “Awake! For morning in the Bowl of Night” was part-quoted by Alex in response to the night sky;  more of the poem can be seen on the website;189, 191



Panasonic Toughbook CF18: -  Berri’s laptop computer used for sailmail, to obtain grib files etc. Has suffered quite a bashing in knockdowns. See the Preparations section (linked from Homepage) for more detailed specs of                   electronics and software

Panel, Solar 492, 493, 494

Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster: - invented by Zaphod Beeblebrox in HHGTTG.  Unfortunately its ingredients are unavailable on this planet but its effects are  described as like having your brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick; 128; see also Dr Cooper; HHGTTG

Party Gear: - full wet weather gear; getting into, 17th January; shortcomings 44, 109, and countless others

Pastor Flagon: - well-known Australian Consultant with a religious bent,  recommended by Fenwick; 208

Patagonian Cruise Net: - a radio link between boats operating in Antarctica, in the Pacific, South Atlantic and the Chilean Channels run by - it seems - any one of several boats that may be more or less central and can talk to others; 46, 100,   121, 122, 130, 407, 430

Patience, Persistence Perseverance and Titan Uranus: - further variation on Plodders  Motto, see below; 208

Pelagia’s Goat: - a (non McVitie’s) digestive censor on overblown log nonsense called for occasionally by Alex; 376. From the book Captain Corelli’s Mandolin by    Louis de Bernieres

Pelagics, The: - fleet of two expedition sailing vessels available for expedition charter  to high latitude destinations in both Hemispheres; 62, 122,

Pelican Clip: - a metal clip which folds back on itself to tension ties. On its own has  proved unreliable in securing the liferaft; see 137, 486

Penta Comstat: - a private HF radio communication service for yachts and pleasure craft

Pete’s Log Entries 16th January; 56, 103, 113, 122, 178, 187, 192, 202, 204, 209, 214, 337, 348, 356, 370, 379, 485,

Pete’s Equation: 111

Petrels, Black 310, 372, 423, 498

Petrels, Storm 423, 459

Phat: - semantic discussion thereof; 321, 324

Phosphorescence / Dolphins  45, 122, 201, 207, 208, 212, 238, 246, 257; 10 Aug, 319, 392, 433

Pirates - (for Belmore South) includes thoughtful observations on cloaking devices, 378, 380, 461

Plodders Motto: - “Planning, Practice, Prudence, Patience and Perseverance. And a Pee bucket for our far too agile bladders, but that's another story” 137;  variation 489

Pneumatics: - nocturnal, and according to Pete 113

Poo: - albatross and penguins; for Lizzie, Joe and Harvey 468

Pooptillionth: - a very little bit; 337; see also Minipooptillionth, which is even smaller

Portuguese Man o’ War: - Physalia physali; also known as the Bluebottle. Not strictly  speaking a jellyfish but a colony of mutually dependent individuals (polyps)  supported by a float which is in itself a single individual; can give intensely             painful and sometimes dangerous sting; 177, 189, 238, 242, 260, 489

Propagation: -  in the logs, this refers to the radiation of signal energy and is customarily qualified by the words abysmal, ratshit or lousy



RANSA: - Royal Australian Navy Sailing Association; a sailing club located in Sydney, Australia.

RCYC: - Royal Cornwall Yacht Club, Falmouth; 278, 4th June

Reading / books 304

Reverse Osmosis: - a process that can remove salt from water by forcing the water through a semi-permeable membrane under high pressure; 365; see also desalinator

RFD: - Australian distributors of specialised safety equipment, including marine;136

Rhumb Line: -  the line followed by a vessel sailing in a fixed direction

Rigil Kent: -  major pointer in Southern Cross with Hadar  162, 381

Rig Repair, Lymington 25th and  26th July

Roaring Forties: - a region of westerly winds in south temperate latitudes. These are most developed south of 40°S; 477

Robinson, Malcolm: -  joint webmaster with Steve Jackson and owner of new red boat;  countless mentions but see 274 for the lowdown

Rolex: -  renowned makers of timepieces and sponsors of many sporting events including Sydney-Hobart and Fastnet Races

RORC: - Royal Ocean Racing Club, located in London

RORC Seamanship Trophy 2005: - awarded to Berrimilla; 380

Rough Rough - as opposed to Rough; 146

R/V: - rendezvous

RYA: - Royal Yacht Association. A British organisation which represents the interests of those who go boating for pleasure as well as designing and monitoring training schemes; its membership is open to all boat users

Rutter: -  the word used by the early Dutch captains and explorers to describe their logs. In part the rutter helped them to get home, but it also seved for those who would follow and thus all such documents were highly-prized; 387, 389


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